Wednesday, August 28, 2013

No Excuses

No pain, no gain? Well, in my couch to 5K training, I had to jog 8 minutes today, then walk 5 minutes and jog 8 more minutes. I was so proud of myself for cruising right through the first 8 minutes. I was feeling really great... Until I started the 2nd 8 minute stretch. My pride instantly crumbled as I looked at my timer and it had only been 6 seconds and I wanted to quit. Luckily, I can't quit... I have committed to do this 5K and to jog the whole thing! I talk about it all the I am going to run my first 5K on my 30th birthday.  I bought a new jogging stroller, new running shoes, signed up for it and face booked about it just so that I could have no excuse to quit.  So on days like today, when I am jogging so slow that I can watch the reflectors go round and round on the stroller wheels, I am glad that I CANNOT QUIT! I did however tell Kyle that the dishes and laundry will not be touched today, hehe!

1 comment:

  1. I'll run C25K with you! We should meet up and jog together.

    (Amanda Hayes, BTW)
