Saturday, September 17, 2011


Last week, a little boy from our elementary school passed away.   He was in an older grade and I did not know him.  I always have to question the purpose for a child's death, I know I shouldn't. I guess this boy at our school had some heart problems and surgeries previously.  Our school had a special circle of friendship for him where all the 4th graders wrote messages to him and sent them up in balloons.  I was not there that day (didn't think my Kindergarteners would understand or behave calmly), but I was told that the song, "Somewhere over the rainbow" was playing as they let the balloons go and at that point a rainbow appeared in the sky.  Here is a picture from a co-worker.   A real testament that God is in control, no matter the purpose.   

When I was in High School, I did an internship in a Kindergarten classroom to see if I really wanted to go into teaching.  I was in  that classroom for 2 hours a day.  Kindergarteners have a funny way of getting into your heart.  That year, one of the girls in my class, little Becky, was in a car accident with her mom and 2 baby sisters.  They slid off an icy road into the river and all drowned.  Whenever I would go back to the Kindergarten class, my heart was pained when the other little girls would tell me that Becky wasn't there, that she had died.  A sweet little 5 year old. That was almost 10 years ago.  I guess the point of this blog post is to say that I remember.  That she is remembered. 

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