Sunday, September 29, 2013

Just couldn't wait!

There are two things I couldn't wait for:
1.  I couldn't wait for October to dress Kenna in some of her cute Halloween clothes, so I put her in this outfit and made an orange headband for it.  She has a few cute Halloweenish things that I am excited for her to wear and don't want her to just wear them one time, so I am starting early!
2. I couldn't wait for Christmas to give her this toy table.  We bought this a few weeks ago with the intention of giving it to get her for Christmas, but since she started pulling herself up recently, I think she needs it now, haha.  So Merry Christmas, Kenna (in September), hehe!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Crawling Kenna

We have a crawler!  She is getting faster everyday!!/photo.php?v=10100353407267734&set=vb.193309952&type=2&theater

Crayon Wreath

I got this beautiful wreath from one of my Kindergartners 2 years ago.  His name is Kace Royce and he made this crayon wreath with his mom.  I hung it in my classroom ever since and I was excited to hang it in Kenna's room in our new place.  As I tried pushing the thumbtack into the wall, it fell along with the wreath and the styrofoam broke in a bunch of places.  I tried to place it back together for this picture, but you can tell it is a little crooked.  I love this wreath and want to remember it even if it is in pieces now. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Best Husband Award

Today was a good day, but there was one point where I texted Kyle telling him I was feeling a little down.  Moving to a new place and starting over can be hard and today was just one of those days. I made myself get out and go jogging this afternoon even though I really didn't want to.  Of course, afterwards, I felt really great and proud of myself for doing it.  So I came home and hurried and cleaned the house so it would look good when Kyle got home. He took an extra long time coming home (I thought he got off work late), but it turns out he was buying me flowers and chocolate :)  What an amazing guy! Well, he went to Walmart and I guess they didnt have any fresh flowers, so he got me some fake ones, but I love them because they are fall colors and fall is my favorite :)  When he got home, he told me to go enjoy a bath while he took care of Kenna.  He is so wonderful :)  I think I'm in love. hehe!


Friday, September 13, 2013

Shoes, Sorrow, Success

I have been doing the Couch to 5K program to get ready for my 5K and to get in shape.  I loved that program... until I failed... I failed big time.  It happened at the end of week 6.  It was the first time in 6 weeks that I couldn't do what it was asking me.  I was supposed to jog 22 minutes without walking.  Mind you, the week before, I jogged 20 minutes without stopping.  But on this Friday, guess how far I made it?  6 minutes... yep, only 6 minutes until I had to walk.  I soon found a bench and sat down with my disappointed self to have a self chat (in my head, not out loud)  Although when I am jogging and feel like I am about to quit I do actually talk out loud and tell myself or Kenna that we can do it.  I didn't have Kenna with me that day.  I was jogging with no stroller.  I think I might have been using the stroller as a crutch the way that some people use the rails of a treadmill to hold onto until Jillian yells at them to let go.  I need to run without Kenna more often because she won't be with me on race day.  I also want to do this for me, so I'll be a better mom for her.  I do love taking her on jogs though.  It is hard to find a time to jog without her, but I need to start trying.  Anyways, I decided to change my training so that I was mastering distances instead of times.  So my goal will be to run 3.1 miles without stopping instead of running 30 minutes because who am I kidding pretending that I can run that fast?  I honestly don't know at this point if I will be able to run the whole thing by November, but I am not giving up.  I made my goal today which was to jog 1 mile without stopping.  Tomorrow will be 1.25 miles.  I can do it.  And even if I can't, I am working towards it.  I have come so far already in these few months.  When I started, I was huffing and puffing after 60 seconds of jogging.  It's amazing what our bodies can do when we put the time into training them.  These are the new shoes Kyle let me buy.  We went to the Lloyd Center one Saturday and he let me buy any shoes I wanted.  These were comfy and on sale (and pink), so I got them.  And I love them so far!  Happy jogging!

We have a crawler!

Kenna has caught on to crawling. (She is 7 1/2 months)  She has been up on all fours for over a month now, but now she can slowly maneuver herself to get anywhere she wants.  She would definitely prefer to be carried, but if no one is around, she will crawl and roll to get something.  She is growing up so fast! 

Watch her crawl here!

1124 Days

Tonight, Kyle has gone camping with his cub scout troop.  This is the very first time since we've been married that we have been apart for a night.  There have been times when we have slept in different beds (like at the hospital) or even in different rooms (I end up in Kenna's room on the guest bed many nights), but never in different houses.  He is excited to go and I hope he is having fun :)  We miss you already, honey!  Happily, Kenna went to bed at 7:45 without a fight (she loves fighting bedtime).  I can't decide if I should stay up late watching tv by myself or hurry to bed so I can have the whole bed to myself for once :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Toothbrush and Pilgrims

Kenna and I walk to Target often. Today we had nowhere to go, plus I let Kyle take the car, so we just walked to Target this afternoon for fun.  I got Kenna her first toothbrush and she knew right what to do with it, haha!  The same thing she does with everything... put it straight into her mouth!

Not sure if she liked it, lol!

I also bought some cookies and reeses to try making these pilgrim hats.  Gotta get ready for Canadian Thanksgiving!

I won!

I won the "Early Bird" drawing at our Relief Society Night yesterday.  I arrived just on time actually, so I guess I got lucky, haha.  I was nervous to even go because I only know like 4 people in our ward since moving.  I thought of texting one of the girls (Mary) to go together, but didn't want her to think I was a sissy.  Then as I got out of my car, guess who was walking right up?  It was Mary!  What a blessing!  Then I didn't have to feel anxious walking in.  It's the little things that matter. (I have always had anxiety about walking into a room and people staring at me, but that's a post for another day, haha)  Anyways, the early bird gift was some cute fall colored dish towels with leaves and owls.  Kenna is enjoying the gift bag and the ribbon as we speak :) 

Our baby is a genius!

I don't actually think she is a genius, but I am happy she can learn new things!
Phew... Kenna learned how to turn the page just in time to go back to story time this week!  The library has been taking a break for the month of August, but they are starting baby story time again this week!  When we went in July it seemed like all the other babies could turn the page when the teacher asked them, but Kenna would just stare at her!  It made me feel like we needed to read more with her, haha.  Chances are, she will still stare at her this week too, but at least I know she can do it now!